The First ever Sai mandir built in Howard County of Maryland
Our Shirdi Sai Mandir of Maryland is a non profit organization established in 2018 by our trustees. Our main goal is to spread the faith, , and spirituality in Howard County area. Working towards this vision and with the help of our members with ideal and noble motives, we are moving forward with a mandir in Howard County, Maryland.
Book a Pooja AppointmentChecks payable to "Shirdi Sai Mandir, Maryland" can be either given in-person or mailed to 9110 Red Branch Rd Unit P, Columbia, Maryland-21045
Here is the Events calendar for our Mandir.
Yes. The mandir is open everyday from 9 AM to 8 PM EST. We recommend you to call +1 (410) 531-8164 before you visit our mandir.
All the devotees should wear a mask in order to enter the mandir premises. Please maintain a 6 feet social distance. Always follow the directions of our priest and our volunteers for the safety of all our devotees visiting our mandir.
Aarthi will be performed every thursday evening. Every devotee can attend the Aarathi either by online or in person. Please follow the covid protocols if you are visiting the mandir for aarathi. Please Click here to join our thursday aarathi online.
You can maeke donations in many ways. Click here to go to the paypal page to make donations.
Yes. We do. We recommend you to call +1 (410) 531-8164 in advance to confirm your timings with out priest. You would need to bring 5 lemons, 1 cocnut and Fruits & Flowers of your choice. for the Puja. The mandir fee is $25 and Priest Darshana is based on your wish.
Yes. We do. Please click here to uknow more about the other modes of donating to Sai Mandir.
Columbia, Maryland-21045
Call us for any questions!